FGO JP : Ozymandias Review

  • ·         Default Biography

A person from the 14th ~ 13th Century BC. A pharaoh from ancient Egypt who governed over a vast empire. He loved the masses as if Osiris, and was also greatly loved by the people. also called Rameses II or Meryamen.
  • ·         General Overview

One of the best Rider class servant I ever summoned, at first I dismissed him outright since I got him at summer servant rate up (I want girls in bikinis, ended up with a dude who wears no shirt so I was highly bummed out at that time) but as I kept raising and using him in the party he became an indispensable core for the anti-Caster party or maybe on almost every run that doesn’t involve Assassin class. He has a unique skill that helps many servant with chance to proc skills (Example : Imperial Privilege, Wisdom of Dun Scaith) with extra 20% NP gauge fill for the party and a very useful NP that can save your entire frontline if timed correctly. His charisma suffers a little bit compared to other riders with the exception of Medb but what he lacks a little bit he makes it up in other areas.
  • ·         Stat Overview

ID: 118
Cost: 16
ATK: 1850/11971
HP: 1881/12830
Grail ATK: 13104
Grail HP: 14056
Attribute: Sky
Growth Curve: Linear
Star Absorption: 205
Star Generation: 9%
NP Charge ATK: 0.59%
NP Charge DEF: 3%
Death Rate: 30%
Alignments: ChaoticNeutral
Gender: Male

Traits: Brynhildr's Beloved, Earth or Sky, Divine, Humanoid, King, Male, Riding, Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish

His numbers are not that bad at all for an SSR unit especially the balanced ATK and HP that are good for me since it helps a lot since that means he can dish out decent damage with raw attack power alone (no buffs) and his alignment is quite good since right now there are no servant who is anti-neutral. On the flip side though he has quite a lot of traits which means he has a lot of weakness to cover though in my opinion this doesn’t really matter to him since there are few scary counters for Ozymandias at the time of writing. Attributes matters little to me as I usually brute force through any obstacle one way or another. His star absorption rate makes him a powerhouse if you decide to use him as main damage dealer but on the flip side if you only use him as a supporting unit make sure you have enough critical stars to compensate, or just straight up swap him for another servant with Mystic Code : Chaldea Combat Uniform after using his skills.
  • ·         Command Cards

Quick : 5 hits             Arts : 3 hits                             Buster : 1 hit
Extra : 5 hits

Straight out the best hand of command cards according to me, the number of Quicks or Busters may vary depend on a servant’s NP but two Arts card makes it easier for Art chain and for Ozymandias specifically it doesn’t bar him from dishing out the best of his damage when combo with his NP. Number of hits are very nice on Quick card since he can gain a decent amount of NP from his quick attack along with critical stars especially if critical.
  • ·         Skills : Active and Passive
    • Active Skills

o   Available from the start

Increases party's attack for 3 turns.
Attack +

A minor hiccup compared to other SSR Riders but a difference about 1% or 2% on level 10 generally doesn’t matter unless you are afflicted with OCD. Higher rank in Charisma for rider class goes to Iskandar (limited servant) and Quetzalcoatl (a literal goddess). I have my gripes with this skill but again this is only a minor hiccup and can be compensated with Craft Essence or supporting skills.

Unlocks after 1st Ascension

Recovers own HP.
60% Chance of increasing own attack for 3 turns.
60% Chance of increasing own defense for 3 turns.
Attack +
Defense +
1000 HP
1200 HP
1400 HP
1600 HP
1800 HP
2000 HP
2200 HP
2400 HP
2600 HP
3000 HP

This skill was a major headache for me during the early days of FGO especially when I want to wring out the best of Nero’s damage and still a major headache for those who are unlucky. I mainly use this skill to heal Ozymandias before I get him to ascension 3 which opened Protection from Ra and choose to rely on attack buff from other servant since the chance to increase both attack and defense was quite bad. On level 10 though the buff is quite good although Nero (4*) and Romulus (3*) beat him in rank with an ireful 4% attack and defense boost along with extra 400 healing power more from Ozymandias. Overall this is a decent skill that can help on both damage and the survivability of Ozymandias with an annoying at worst and negligible at best difference compared to Nero and Romulus, another minor hiccup one would say.

Unlocks after 3rd Ascension

Charges party NP gauge by 20%.
Increase party Buff Success rate for 1 turn.
Success Rate +

The unique skill that saves a lot of hassle for the “??% chance to buff” type of skill. In Early levels though you will mainly use this to charge the party NP gauge and not the success rate since in FGO, a 90% chance to critical hit can be bogus at worst. On level 10, Imperial Privilege will always be a success (60 + 40 = 100, with the exception if another calculation is used) unless you got hit with Jeanne alter’s kind debuff where it prevents you from gaining any buff for x time. Since this skill and the success rate goes to the whole party it can also help other party members too (4* Nero saber, Cleopatra, Scatatch in particular) but on the flip side is deciding when to use this skill if the NP gauge of the whole party hit full limit since that means a wasted 20% NP gauge. My choice though is just to take the 20% NP gauge waste head on since the successful use of Imperial Privilege is more important for me, beside the 20% waste can be covered with both arts command card or with an arts chain with other servants. If you want to use Imperial privilege for the full effect then use this skill first unless you are confident in your own luck.

For the skill levelling recommendation I highly advise to level up Imperial Privilege last or at least after Protection from Ra hits max level since the success rate are not going to change at all. As for Charisma or Protection from Ra it depends on how you want to use him whether you want to ensure his Imperial Privilege hits off successfully or not, for immediate effect then charisma should be your go to skill but in my opinion it’s best to raise all skills to at least level 4 or 5 depending on your resource availability before choosing which skill to focus first. My personal recommendation goes like this :
All skills hit level 4, then Protection from Ra > Charisma > Imperial Privilege because it’s better to support the party first in my opinion rather than doing the selfish buffs first.

o   Passive skills
Increases unit's resistance to debuffs by 17.5%
Not that reliable but always nice to have

Riding A+
Increases damage of unit's Quick cards by 11%
Even though Ozymandias only have one quick card this is still nice to have along with the nice 5 hits, besides a Rider class without riding skill? What are you, high?

Increases damage by 175
A bit outclassed but power is still power and it’s a nice thing to have

  • ·         Noble Phantasm

Use this correctly and it can save you party by locking the NP of  one enemy. Fun Fact : if used before the NP tick of an enemy gets full that it also locks the natural NP tick gain per turn unless the enemy uses NP filling skills or just straight purged the debuff. I personally have been on many occasions where I got scared if an enemy straight rush fill the NP bar to full and I instinctively use this NP, turns out it was a right decision all along since after that the enemy fills the NP gauge twice but unable to use NP on the third attack. As for the overcharge, not much to be said actually since this boosts the damage outcome of attacks after this NP. My recommendation is to use this NP on first or second slot.

  • ·         Bond CE

Bond 10 Reward
When equipped on Ozymandias,
Increases party's Arts performance by 10% and increases party's Buster performance by 10% while he is on the field.

Unless you plan on using Ozymandias as supporting servant then it’s best to ignore this bond CE. He’s better off with damage boosting CE. (i am so sorry for the small icon, this is my first time so i don't know how to enlarge it to the appropriate size)

  • ·         Best to combo with…

Waver : Pretty obvious, his skillset is a boost for all servant types be it buster, quick, or arts.

Merlin : Provided with the right setup (which is not really necessary but still a good thing to have), his Hero Creation can be very useful with Critical damage +100% along with Buster up +50% on level 10 and can make Ozy’s damage output quite monstrous (even without the setup it is still high). If you also have a Merlin of your own then simply double the effect if both have all skills maxed.

Quetzalcoatl : Along with Ozymandias, you can swap the role of main damage dealer since her Good God’s Wisdom can be given to one member of the party including herself for the Buster +30%. Her NP also have NP lock effect so to choose Ozy or Quetz as main damage dealer depends on the situation, just don’t use both of their NP in one turn unless you are sure of killing the enemy with both NP.

Hans Christian Andersen : Best budget support. Period. Protection from Ra will ensure the success of his NP be it the chance of full buff from his NP or simply to charge his NP gauge. His Human Observation is nice too especially since the whole party gets the benefit.

Imperial Privilege users : same with Andersen, Protection from Ra will ensure the 100% success of using Imperial Privilege to help boost their damage output.

Tamamo no Mae : This comes as a surprise for me but her NP shortens skill cooldowns and that is useful for long turn battles especially with Protection from Ra getting spammed every 3 turns (in my experience), along with Mash then this can be a good tank team with decent damage output though you are better off using another combo if survivability is the number one priority.

  • ·         Best CE to use
    • Limited CE (Free CE priority) :

Starting NP gauge with other buffs : These are quite hard to get especially for the newbies since these are limited time event CE but should you get this it is worth your hard work especially for Golden Sumo and Aerial Drive (Saint Martha icon) since they add to Ozy’s damage output that can cover his other weakness.
    • Non-Limited CE (get them anytime, anywhere) :

Starting NP gauge : my best recommendation goes to Demonic Bodhisatva (the nun icon) since it can boost Ozy’s NP overcharge level by two but the others are also a solid choice especially Ley Line and Imaginary Number Magecraft (Sakura Matou icon) for the newbies. Limit break or no they are still solid picks.

Command Card boosters (Buster boost priority) : The biggest problems I see is that most of the command card boosters are limited time only and these few I show above are obtainable through gacha anytime, anywhere. While they give no NP gauge boost they are still solid picks especially Victor From the Moon (boy with bread icon) with critical damage boost and Before Awakening (Kotomine Kirei icon) that boosts all command cards power.

  • ·         Conclusion

Ozymandias, despite the minor hiccups in his skillset he is still a good servant to use as main damage dealer with some capabilities as a supporting servant as well. My main gripe with Ozymandias is that is that when combined with two Merlins his attack boost (the sword icon) only reached 98% without the use of any mystic code skill (OCD triggering as I would like to call) but in the grand scheme of things it is only a very minor gripe that is totally negligible. Great for many setups especially for Imperial Privilege users.

Final Score and Verdict : 9/10. Hasubando material with lots of power along with those sexy abs!

I took the data on skills, NP, and stats along with the icons from the Wiki. Thank you for reading my review and if i missed anything or you have any advise for me for future reviews then leave it in the comments!


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