VA-11 HALL-A review

VA-11 HALL-A : Cyberpunk Bartender Action Review

“Come in, Have a drink, And tell me your story”

Warning : Mild Spoilers Ahead! (I’ll tell where)

  • ·        Overview and First Impressions

VA-11 HALL-A : Cyberpunk Bartender Action (too long of a name so I’ll just call it Valhalla : Waifu Bartending instead) is a bartending simulation with  Visual novel style storytelling developed by Sukeban games whose previous game is a flat out visual novel and published by Ysbryd Games on 2016. To be honest I’m not a visual novel enthusiast and this is the first time I review a visual novel so this might be new for me and my game reviewing activity. At first I get this game because of the phrase “Waifu Bartending” since I am an anime enthusiast and played this game twice far back in 2016 with good impressions that stuck with me for more than a year, recently I played it again and what do you know this game has a unique mechanic built into it and it worked.
  • ·        Story overview

We play as Jill, a bartender working in small a bar named VA-11 HALL-A inside the city called Glitch City serving drinks to various types of clients starting from a random guy, a cat girl with cyber eyes, a talking shiba inu, to a sex worker robot girl that looked like an underaged kid. I shit you not, she is on the legal age yet looks underaged girl that understands all the sexual innuendos thrown at her. While serving drinks Jill also listens to her clients stories and worries and talk with the clients. The story revolves around what happened around Jill rather than focusing too much on Jill herself unlike the typical visual novel where the story revolves around one character with the exception  of the second half of the game after some stuff happened. After work she also has to deal with her bills ranging from electric bills, apartment rent, and porn subscription. I shit you not, porn subscription.
  • ·        In-game Mechanics

Unlike a typical Visual novel where you can literally save anytime, anywhere in this game you can only save on two occasions which are before going to work or during breaks so you can plan your playthrough accordingly. The other thing that is unique to this game is that to progress the story towards the ending that you desire or not depends on what drinks you serve certain clients and how you financially manage your money before work so you can decide to go for a bad ending first or the good ending first, unlike the usual Visual Novel style which you just pick from a selection of dialogues and hope you don’t get a bad ending and yes this game has multiple endings so multiple play is encouraged.

Serving drinks also has its mechanics in that you have to put certain ingredients on certain amounts and ad ice or let it age and then you either mix it or blend it, all of that can be done with simple click and drag. There are drinks that are straight as the recipe suggests and there are drinks that you can add more alcohol you can make the client even more drunk and all that goes to the story progression mechanic, you can even make the drink bigger to get more money out of clients or just leave it at normal size. Certain drinks for certain clients can also trigger certain events in-game that most players might overlook on their first play. In Visual novel sometimes all you have to do is load a certain save file to redo the same event wishing for different result through different dialog choices after you finish the game for the first time, unless you are a 1 save slot guy like me this kind of trick also exists in this game but I don’t like it that much. After you finish your first playthrough there are NG+ mechanics where all you bought in previous playthrough carry over to the next and this is a good feature considering there are management elements in this game though not that important for those who are used to Visual Novels.

Just click and drag when an order is up
  • ·        OST, and Jukebox

To be honest I find the OST to be not that memorable and it is different from being a bad OST since the OST is not bad at all in fact some of them are great, sure the music is quite catchy in its  own right but I find the music only serves as background noise like when you turn on the TV and get to some random channel but you don’t actually watch it and just turn it on for the background noise. The music goes for the retro gaming aesthetic with some song catching that cyberpunk feel quite well but the rest of it is just to fill the jukebox. There are some unlockable OST that can be gained through simple play (although the number of those can be counted with 1 hand) and there are many that are unlockable to buy after you finish the first playthrough AKA going NG+.

Is this bad design? I don’t think so and I like to be incentivized to collect them all since most NG+ are simply another chance to 100% complete the game, not to mention this is a Visual Novel where playing again to unlock other endings are encouraged. Going to the topic of jukebox you have to fill the jukebox to the maximum number of songs to start your work as a bartender and to be honest I find this obligation annoying to do and what I do is simply random picked all the songs and use the same set for the entire gameplay while occasionally change one or two songs to get that feeling where you are in a small downtown bar since the OSTs are not that memorable to begin with.
  • ·        Graphics, and writing

For the record, this is my first time reviewing a Visual Novel and I rarely play this genre so this might be the worst part of the review so bear with me on this part.

 This game goes for the anime type of character arts, that much is obvious when the official website is called waifu bartending but to go a bit deeper the color palette evokes that of a retro game (late SNES era I think) and this is quite good for me personally since this is eye-catching and evokes a bit of nostalgia since I am looking for a retro looking game first time playing it. For anime enthusiasts (me included) there might be some characters you can consider a “waifu” candidate, I’ll tell mine later.

For the writing of this game, I think it captures the dystopian cyberpunk feeling quite well with themes of corruption across the government to stories about living in the worst part of the city although some dialog will feel a little bit annoying and let me tell you that there are lots of easter eggs inside this game. Like I said before the story revolves around what’s happening around jill since Jill will be working as a bartender so she learns as her clients tell her whatever happens in glitch city. Whatever the clients tell her she just responds accordingly without getting too invested in it be it after some bad stuff happened to her clients before entering the bar or something else. If we’re talking about most Visual Novels the protagonist might get a bit too involved with a certain character one way or another but this game feels a bit more realistic since in actuality she has problems of her own in her daily life. In short the writings revolve around her clients for at least the first part and interactions felt a bit real since we are not just dealing with random person who asks for their drinks and leave, at least in my opinion.
Sums up my life pretty well LOL

  • ·        Playing experience : Fun or not? (Mild spoilers inside, I will tell again if fun or not in conclusion)

Across my time of play there are definitely some conversations that catch my attention, like when a client talks about breast size and for me many conversations hits home quite hard. The mechanics are also functional although I have little gripes with the clickbox of certain items but it turns out I just have to play slowly, after all this game is best experienced as comfortable as you are and at your own pace. 
The ultimate argument regarding favorite sizes (I think)

Let me tell you this, after a few hours of playing this game you will have memorized some recipes since there are patterns of how much an ingredient is added in some drinks that makes memorizing a bit easier. Another pro tip : if you are playing in windowed then I suggest opening a notepad to take notes of what drinks the clients prefer and sometimes to remember what the order is should you are distracted at the moment. The second half of the game is a little bit gut punching since there are moments that even after you got spoiled (in my case by playing it twice) can still leave an impact in your mind, and that for me is the proof that the writing if not great is memorable. The ending also comes in an unexpected way (I got the bad ending BTW) but this is again a visual novel which encourages multiple playthrough.

Playing this game is simply FUN since there are stuffs that normal visual novel don’t have but sadly there are no special CG for certain events and are explained through various ways but this is definitely a fresh spin on the Visual Novel genre that I find memorable. In short I buy and play this for the waifu but came out thinking about important stuffs in our daily life since some of them hits home that hard and to simply play this game for the waifu is missing the point but I can’t blame you for that. My favorite character is the cyber eye catgirl, it caters to all my…… favorite characteristics.
No special CG but oh well

  • ·        Conclusion

VA-11 HALL-A is definitely a fresh spin to the Visual Novel genre that adds a unique mechanics not seen in any Visual Novels (at the time of writing). Mechanics are functional with minor gripes that can be ignored and you are encouraged to play the game slowly and comfortably, music is good but not that memorable, and the writing kind of passes for my standards (the standard of those who almost never play Visual Novel aside from the eroge kind). Is it fun? It is FUN. Recommended? Worth checking out.

This game is for :
  1.  Gamers who have played Visual Novel before and looking for fresh spins
  2. Anime enthusiasts (no judging, I am one too)
  3. Loves cyberpunk theme and vibe
  4. Loves playing games slowly and as comfortable as possible

This game is not for :
  1. Players who want action and faster paced gameplay (dislikes visual novels)
  2. Players who dislikes anime aesthetics (no judging)
  3. Players who dislike retro gaming aesthetics

Final score and verdict : 7.5/10  “a fresh and memorable spin to the established  ways of the Visual Novel genre”

Recommendation :Definitely Worth Checking out

The game can be bought on steam and here is the link should you be interested to play :

thank you for reading, and if you have any comments or further advice for reviews (especially the Visual Novel games) then leave it in the comments!


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